User Exit for Rebate Agreement

Otherwise, like for example. B, in the case of the price type “D”, the sales order data is copied, but the relevant date for the FBUDA remittance is redetermined, since this date is also used for the determination of the tax, for example.B. This can lead to inconsistencies that are barely comprehensible in the agreement, as the terms may or may not exist incorrectly. To avoid this common problem, when transferring a billing document to accounting, the system always calls pricing with price type I, which redefines all discount conditions.3) Can I cancel a relevant billing document for the delivery of a definitively invoiced agreement? We only have a few discount agreements that have a problem like below. Prerequisites: I wish to cancel the partial discount payment. 1) If I have tried to make the final settlement for the previous year`s remittance agreements, I will receive a message because the sales volume for the discount agreement is not up to date. We can overcome this message by doing VBOF. “But we recently changed the pricing process. So if we do VBOF, it will update the billing documents from previous years with a new pricing procedure and this will result in changes in the provisions of the discount agreements. (which we don`t want) When I do VBO2 in the discounts, I get the error message “SALES VOLUME IS NOT UP TO DATE”. Most of our customers want to receive billing based on revenue from a given quarter or up to a specific day. The main advantage of this “non-periodic” discount is that our total sales volume continues to count compared to periodic discount agreements, where the sales volume starts at 0 for each new period. If there was a way to determine sales up to a certain day, say: On April 15, 2016, I would like to settle sales with my client by March 31.

I`m trying to write a bdc for tcode VBO2 (agreement). In this case, I have to give the agreement number, and then on the second screen I have to select the PAY push button to delete the amount. Answer: If a final statement shows an incorrect value, you can cancel the credit and reject the credit application, but the agreement will receive a status of “Final Billing Complete” and cannot be changed. In this case, you only have the option to set the value of the credit application to zero and generate a credit note with a value of zero. You can then copy the old agreement to create a new one. You create it retroactively as a discount agreement. You can now edit and recalculate this agreement. Hello, I would like to know how to remove a customer-material combination from a discount contract (VBO2 transaction). Currently, I can prevent a condition from accumulating by setting it to zero, but this will appear in my processing reports and I want to remove it from view.

When I try to use the “Delete Line” button, it doesn`t leave me! a) When checking each item of the discount credit, the statement wishes to be updated. Because of this value, the credit note 2) What does the type of price mean for the volume-based discount? Answer: Billing documents form the basis for processing discounts. While it is possible to determine the terms of delivery in the purchase order, these orders must also be invoiced in order for them to come into effect for discount agreements. I need to add Check when the discount agreement is saved There for I want to use the extension point for the VBO1 / VBO2 userexit transaction for Tcode “VBO2 – Modify the delivery agreement”.: In VB)2, you can check if the types of delivery documents are assigned to the delivery agreement type From a functional point of view, the above question makes me assume that two remission agreements with the same payer, identical types of conditions, identical or overlapping validity periods may not be possible. I program a BI for the VBO2 transaction and modify the agreements for delivering the terms of a file. Answer: One of the main topics of the old handover procedure was retroactive handover agreements, especially performance issues and storage of mass data. I have a problem with deliveries where the invoice status is not relevant for invoicing. The reason for this is the relevance of the invoicing defined in the item category (ZMVN-Lease Item-Rental Machine) and instead of “I – Payment relevant to the order – Payment plan” of “A – Billing document related to the delivery”. The reason for this is the down payment process for the rental amount of the machine and the functionality of the billing plan. I would like to have a sales order from which I can use for rental payment statements, then a delivery and invoice for the full machine.

The problem is that delivery is not a relevant document for invoicing due to the status of the VBUK-FKSTK and VBUP-FKSTA fields. Is there any user output or other functionality to change the state of these fields? In addition, the billing document is updated for documents that have been changed due to the new pricing, statistical data is updated, and FI documents are created. All billing documents contain the information of the agreement and “normal” agreements on agreements are made retroactively. In return, these agreements can then be processed in less time on the basis of statistics. Project Enhancement LWBON001 is available for discount calculation. In this extension, 4 outputs are available – check the right one. Because a user for the reason made a mistake by creating a partial statement. Now he wants to cancel this entry and the same value should be reset to the discount agreement. For this purpose, you need to use the RV15C006 report to convert the contract currency into euros.

Make sure you`ve 380512 Notes and implemented 397568 before. Once the report is made, the agreements in the discount agreement are in currency (euros) and the invoicing is now also in euros. I would like to know how to find user outputs related to reduction agreements. In particular, the billing phase is very critical for performance, as often not only one, but a large number of agreements need to be processed in a short period of time. Answer: The most important user output for volume-based delivery is RV60AFZZ user output. This user output is also used in billing; However, more information is available than when using user output in discount processing. Thus, this user base is executed when viewing a crawl or when invoicing a created discount agreement (old delivery procedure). I try to make a final settlement for discount agreements, but that gives me a mistake: answer: Especially in the old remittance process, exploration can deviate from the displayed sales volume. The user has created a discount contract. The invoice has also been created.

Now the user wants to pay the discount and ask for a credit note. The problem is that if the user tries to pay the discount with VBO2, he will not be able to see an accumulated amount. 2. This is in fact a continuation of the last part of point 1. You can have separate condition records (condition numbers/object ID) that are identical in all respects. That is what duplication does. So when we test duplicates, we check what the condition refers to (konh-vakey). As long as the Vakey is not duplicated, everything is fine.

You can have multiple agreements during the same validity period with different keys. If the BADI does not meet your needs, I suggest you look for explicit points of improvement before considering the implicit points (look for the keyword “ENHANCEMENT”). .

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