At&t Term Agreement

AT&T also maintains the AT&T Copyright Alert program, which allows copyright owners to notify AT&T of alleged violations of AT&T`s temporary digital network communication services pursuant to 17 U.S..C. § 512(a). As part of the program, content owners can notify AT&T of alleged copyright infringement based on information they have independently collected by joining peer-to-peer networks, in accordance with the industry-standard automated copyright notice system. AT&T will then attempt to identify a subscriber account if the content owner has discovered an IP address used by an AT&T subscriber and will forward a copyright warning to the subscriber account, notify the account holder of the claim, and provide information about online copyright infringement. If a Subscriber receives additional notifications, we may temporarily redirect the Account Holder`s broadband Internet access service to a website where the Account Holder must review documents about the meaning of copyright and the lawful use of content available on the Internet. At the end of this review, this redirection will be interrupted and the subscriber`s service will return to normal. If a Participant continues to receive additional warnings after this phase, AT&T may take further action in accordance with 17 U.S.S.C§ 512(i), which may ultimately result in the termination of the Subscriber/Account Holder`s broadband Internet access service. The personal data of account holders will be protected throughout this process. AT&T will not disclose this information to content owners unless required to do so by a court order. For more information on AT&T`s Copyright Alert Program, please visit: You may have already had the option to combine your Member ID with a user account or identifier created in connection with certain third-party content and services (a “Third Party ID”) to enable single sign-on on the Site. At AT&T`s sole discretion, AT&T may separate your Member ID from the Third Party ID. In this case, using the Third Party ID will no longer allow you to authenticate to the At&T Site or other digital properties, and you must use your Member ID, Access ID, or any other IDENTIFIER created by AT&T that has not been combined with a Third Party ID to access the Site or other AT&T digital properties.

Continued access to and use of third-party content and services or third-party identifiers is subject to the terms of use provided by that third party. AT&T reserves the right to change or discontinue Internet services (including rates and fees) temporarily or permanently. If AT&T makes a change that would have a material impact on your Service, AT&T will endeavor to provide you with reasonable notice of such change. The terms of any temporary changes, if any, are incorporated into the Notice and incorporated by reference into this Agreement: Your continued subscription to the Service after the effective date of the change constitutes your acceptance of the Changes and related terms. Instead of notifications and postings on the Website, AT&T may, in its sole discretion, require customers to enter into an agreement with AT&T for temporary hardware-related changes. If you receive a copyright warning, it is your responsibility to take immediate steps to check your Internet-connected devices and local network to ensure that you do not generate additional notices of copyright infringement. If, upon receipt of a copyright warning, AT&T receives additional notices of copyright infringement attributable to an IP address associated with your account, we may temporarily redirect the Internet Access Service to a website where you must review and acknowledge material about the meaning of copyright and the lawful use of content available on the Internet. Once this verification is complete, the redirect will stop and your service will return to normal.

If, after this period, AT&T continues to receive notices of copyright infringement attributable to an IP address associated with your account, AT&T may take other steps pursuant to 17 U.S..C. § 512(i) that may ultimately result in the termination of your AT&T Services. AT&T may modify or discontinue any Internet Service, temporarily or permanently, and will post the Temporary Modification Terms (incorporated into this Agreement) under AT&T will also endeavor to provide you with reasonable notice of material changes to your Internet service. Your continued use of or subscription to the Internet Service after the effective date of the Change constitutes acceptance of the Change and all related terms. In addition, if AT&T decides to provide the Internet Service at your location using any other technology, we will consider whether the conversion can be performed without significant interruptions during normal business hours and without a single interruption outside of normal business hours of more than one (1) hour. In this case, we may perform the conversion without notice. Otherwise, we will endeavor to notify you of the conversion up to thirty (30) days in advance.

At the end of this period, we may, in our sole discretion, disconnect your Service or temporarily suspend your Service for a maximum period of fifteen (15) days to facilitate the conversion process. You may receive or be eligible for certain discounts, credits, promotions and other benefits (“Benefits”) through a commercial or government customer`s agreement with us (“Trade Agreement”) or if you are otherwise eligible to participate in our military or government discount or benefit programs. All of these benefits are provided to you solely under the applicable business agreement or at our discretion and are subject to change or termination without notice. You may also be entitled to certain additional plan plans and/or other services. With respect to wireless services, please read of these services and the additional terms associated with them. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements between us with respect to your AT&T Services. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any applicable EULA, this Agreement will apply, unless expressly stated otherwise in the EULA. The English version of this Agreement is the original. If there is a conflict between it and a translated version, the English version controls. AT&T will repair or replace damaged AT&T equipment if AT&T deems it necessary and may charge you a fee for repairing or replacing the equipment.

You understand that repairing or replacing devices may erase stored content, reset personal settings, or otherwise change the functionality of those devices. You are responsible for paying the service fee for visits by AT&T or its subcontractors to your premises if a service request is due to causes not attributable to AT&T or its subcontractors, including, but not limited to, if you are unwilling to perform the troubleshooting steps requested by AT&T. . . .

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